
Marina del Cantone is like saying Nerano. Very typical is the church on the beach. Sorrento can be easily reached through Sant'Agata and taking the scenic route via Nastro Verde. Lemon groves, vineyards, orchards, olive groves; blue sea and Mediterranean thick and fragrant, a pleasant climate all year round, this is the frame of Marina del Cantone.

The sea then is gorgeous, blue-flag beaches since 2008 the enchanting Sorrento, Nerano - Marina del Cantone, and the Bay of Jeranto, Recommone and that of Crapolla, where you come up with walks to scenic trails including the Mediterranean and ancient watchtowers.

The Marine Protected Area of Punta Campanella, which are protects lands and waters of the end of the Sorrentine Peninsula, is to visit with hiking and boat. Sorrento  in any season, reserve its charm thanks to the pleasant climate all year round .

The hotel's location is ideal to reach in few minutes by car but also by bus, Sorrento (and hence also for trains to Naples and hydrofoils to Capri), Positano and the Amalfi Coast and the archaeological sites of Pompeii and Herculaneum. Here we suggest some routes, the hotel you will find all useful information for visiting the most beautiful and famous sights of the Sorrento Peninsula - Amalfi. In addition, we organize excursions by car and by boat.

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Punta Campanella Resort & SPA
Tel. (+39) 081 808 18 66
Fax. (+39) 081 808 29 12
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