Events & Weddings

For any request, the staff of Punta Campanella Resort & SPA **** will be happy to provide assistance in the organization of the wedding and reception will make your day a truly memorable one.


With our event managers will ensure a professional organization.


  • The florist will advise the composition of your liking.
  • The confectioners propose and prepare the wedding cake of your choice.
  • At the request of the Punta Campanella Resort & SPA **** can arrange transport for you and your guests.
  • Optionally select the entertainment that suits the ceremony.


In addition, the Resort will take care of permits and copyrights necessary.


Qualified suppliers

Upon request we provide the list of our most qualified suppliers to meet the needs of customers, from the photographer to entertainment.



Receptions, cocktail parties, receptions, weddings, even for a few close friends, posono be accommodated took the Punta Campanella Resort & SPA in a spectacular setting that makes every event a day to remember with pleasure.



The Resort also has an adequate meeting room with a capacity of 20-25 people, equipped with Wi-Fi devices and media. A coffee break outside in the countryside may grant to the business meeting a moment of pleasant relaxation. Equipped with free Wi-Fi and media center.


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Punta Campanella Resort & SPA
Tel. (+39) 081 808 18 66
Fax. (+39) 081 808 29 12
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