


Rooffiani offers a Mediterranean gastronomic cuisine, offers an exceptional view of the Amalfi coast and Marina del Cantone.

The kitchen puts the guest's need and desire in the foreground, managing to transform an evening into a unique experience.

The promise of unforgettable moments.



Typical Mediterranean cuisine with terrace overlooking the sea
Traditional Neapolitan cuisine on the 4th floor Terrace sea view and Signed Cocktail. 

Location: Roof (top floor)



Drink and Food



Pool Club



Pool Club 

10:30 - 18:30

by Reservation only

€ 20  min spending on the Drink menu 1 sunbeds 1 pool towels per person (Resort Guest) to add at Reservation time



External Guest

€ 25 1 sunbed, 1 Pool towel 

 To book: Reservation



Principal Pool (h 80cm)Club Rule

It is not allowed to minors under the age of 18 if unaccompanied

It is not allowed to consume food and drinks not purchased inside Roof fiani

Animals are not allowed

The assignment of the cot is random.

Please indicate your arrival time.





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Punta Campanella Resort & SPA
Tel. (+39) 081 808 18 66
Fax. (+39) 081 808 29 12
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